Friday, 26 November 2010


Sometimes it's not enough, I don't feel good.
It's like a stab in a heart that isn't mine.
I wonder, and wonder, and wonder...
but things don't look any clearer.
Wether I choose this or that, won't change the course of things.
Faraway land has always done it for me...only for a while.
Things always get back on track, and I lose it again.
I wonder if being a stone would make things easier, people nicer and myself healthier.
Yeah, being an object. No harm, no goodness, no up or down...just stillness.
Maybe a wheel in a mill (excuse me if it rhymes... I don't like that).
something that moves always in the same way and for the same reason, without drastic changes or any at all.
Something mechanic, clearly, utterly boring.
that's what I wanna be.
I don't wanna be affected in anyway by anything.
Geee, it sounds like I wanna commit suicide, but it's not that. I'm not that intense.
Just wanna exist in a different way/space, where I can't BE in the human sense of being.

It's a shame that I'm a Steppenwolf.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Me sudaban las manos.
No pude dormir ninguna de las 2 noches anteriores.
Granos, picores, nervios y ojeras.
Un cuadro ,vamos.
Me hicieron esperar un rato y pensé que iba a morir,
a desvanecerme en la nada sin que nadie se diese cuenta.
Por el camino de vuelta pensé que me habían quitado 10 años de vida en un plumazo...
y mientras me comía la chocolatina, recuerdo que pensé:
'Uno puede ser lo que quiera en la vida, si está dispuesto a pagar el precio'