Saturday, 21 November 2009

Some nights are very confusing. Some nights I can think my whole life through and fix the world for everyone. But only some nights.

Algunas veces quiero volar.

Escribir hermoso es una aberración.

Las palabras, palabras, palabras, palabras, palabras, palabras, palabras, palabras, palabras....

De qué me sirve formular preguntas a los gatos negros?

Ojalá me dieras una sonrisa y un pepermint.

Todo lo que estaba unido se deshizo, y se volvió a formar en otra parte, pero nunca seré capaz de aprenderlo a tiempo.

Me pasaré la tarde corriendo detrás del tiempo.

Palabras sólo por el placer de perderse...

Comámonos la luna por la mañana.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Cosas que se me ocurren

Dame un poco, que me siento vacía.

Más pena me da la pena que me doy yo.

Sacásticas bolas de papel se me caen de la boca.

Si Janis Joplin estuviera aquí nos fumabamos un porro. Y eso que yo los odio.

Dame 1 corazón para guardar y 5 para tirar en la hoguera.


Menuda ola de trsiteza que me viene con la hora del té.

Yo quiero ser yo pero sin dejar de ser tú, para poder echarte la culpa.

Te entiendo muy bien, aunque no lo sepa decir en tu idioma.

El Amor, como si me dices patatas.

Se necesita persona que me pinte por dentro, de verde a poder ser.

Dame los trozos que yo los pego. Así tengo una excusa para dejar la casa sin hacer.

me duele el Ego.

El helado no cambiará las cosas. Mejor 2 tazas.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009


Life is shit.

Mine at least is.

Monday, 13 April 2009

'My right arm aches'.

That'a alright, I've started a blog with a complain, I am like the rest of the mortals now.

It's fun to have an online blog. I guess the idea of having somehow an audience makes you want to say more, talk rubbish, be clever, be funny, be sarcastic, be rational, make sense... an other things I've never been.

Now I should start talking about myself, just so I make it more self indulgent and pointless.
I'm 23 and a bit lost. The worst of me is my total lack of discipline or persistence, the best is that I'm crazy and that makes other people like me cause I make them feel alive.

Someone gave me an Easter egg yesterday, I don't quite like it but I'll eat it cause it was given to me and now it's MINE, This is how I normally work...

I love some people, others I just like because I know they love me.

When I'll be older I wanna start again.

'World' is a big word, I can't really have an opinion about something so general, it just means anything to me, it's like saying 'space' or 'blank'.
If I was more disciplined I would put certain order in this writing... I'm not. I check my spell tho, I associate spelling mistakes with words like 'dumb' 'brainless' or 'thick head'. Judge me if you like, I'd do so.

I feel alone most of the time, I think all of you feel alone most of the time. Some like it, some try to forget about it, some roll around in their own misery... in my case it's scary.


My mood changes A LOT.







Tomorrow might be a more entertainment blog.

Or I might not write on it again at all.

Have a good day and other conventions...

Listen to good music and watch good movies.